Saturday, October 16, 2010

My generation

I am a youth of the 21st century
I only see what's in my face
I have a shot attention span
And love the media for manipulating this

I have opinions on all issues,
as under thought and under researched as they may be
After all Ignorance is bliss
And who has time after PS3

I believe in presentation over substance
after all its so easy to judge it
who will dig the fact when all one does
Is applaud and go home and forget

I believe online petitions n good intentions change the world
since they are so convenient to do
Its better than cribbing from my armchair
which also i love to do

I generally take out my frustration on innocent call center execs
and any other meek around
And believe consumption is the solution
To everything that's sad and unsound

I am the youth of the 21st century
there is so much I wish to do
but then, all I can do is write this poem
because I Suck, honestly I do!

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