Wednesday, August 25, 2010

the mind wanders

you are in a deep conversation
the other is talking away
your head, its nodding
but the mind, it wanders

the activity requires concentration
u need to understand it well
there is a need to focus
but the mind, it wanders

he is a vagabond
he is a creator
he is an explorer
the mind, when it wanders

many a beautiful sights n sounds, he creates in though
many a ideas he germ's
many a desires he gives birth and nurtures
let the mind wander

Monday, August 23, 2010

why do we climb

everyone climbs for a reason
whether they know it or not

some climb for the thrill,
to escape the drudgery of life

some climb for the journey,
for all the things it brings

some climb cos its destiny,
and some for the destination

some choose to climb
while some seem to have no choice

and some just climb!
because, its the only thing to do

so go find ur reason
the reason that makes u climb

and go climb ur mountain
the mountain we call life

Sunday, August 22, 2010

how i wish time stood still

how i wish time stood still
as i chatted away my crush
as i partied with my friends
that time when i had a blood rush

how i wish time stood still
when i was having a good time
when i was at my happiest
when i was in my prime

there are many moments u wish remained
more so cos they didnt
the only thing constant is change
so time to get moving with it

blood rush

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

morning glory

morning brings hope, morning beings optimism
morning brings bad breadth, and all things in it

morning brings light, morning brings clarity
morning ushers a new day to wake up and fight away

morning gets the cock crowing, morning gets the birds chirping
morning gets the rag pickers hustling, morning gets the railway platforms bustling

morning gets me bloging, and some people jogging
why oh why does the morning come, cant we just let the nightmare run!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Loss of Innocence

When do we stop trying
When do we start accepting

When do we stop finding newer things to do
When do we become slaves to routine

When do we stop accepting things at face value
When do we start doubting intentions

When do we stop seeing things for what they are
When does our vision get blurred by prejudices

When do things cease to be black and white
When do we start justifying the greys

When do we stop being objective
When do wonderful things start becoming objects

When do we stop admiring beauty
When does attraction turn to lust

When do we stop being sincere
When does hypocrisy set in

When do we stop constructing
When do we start deconstructing

When do we lose our innocence
When oh when does a child become a person

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Tagore's poem

The most beautiful poetry/prayer, we learnt in school. Since I remember it one completely and this is an apt time, here goes

Where the mind is without fear, and the head is held high
Where knowledge is free
Were the world has not been broken up, into fragments by narrow domestic walls

Where words come out, from the depth of truth
Where tireless striving, stretches its arms, towards perfection

Where the clear stream of reason, has not losts its way, into the deary desert of dead habit
Where the mind is lead forward by you, into ever widening thought n action

Into that Heaven of freedom, my Father, let my Country arise

Rabindranath Tagore

the ones I will not punch

for the uninitiated, please refer to the earlier 2 posts in the topic

Current times are very frustrating. There are so many one wants to punch real hard in the face. However, this being Ramadan, the month of abstinence, patience and most importantly forgiveness, I will speak about the one I really want to, but will not punch in the face hard

1. Our hot favourite, Suresh Kalmadi, the most famous beard on this side of the Suez... not for his recent commonwealth misadventures, no sir, nor for his 14 years of ruining the IOA... but for his wonderful organisation Sai Service, that has serviced my car well for almost 4 years now. Just for that Mr Kalmadi, you are spared a punch.

2. Amar Singh, gaali ka kutta, na ghar ka na ghat ka, from being king maker in UP to a no takers politician suddenly realising his thakur roots, I pity his sad life, and hence will not punch him.

3. Arnab Goswami: Yes yes, he is that screeching lady in the 9 pm news that my father loves watching, much to mine and moms irritation. Yes, he has taken English news to the depths of Hindi news. Yes he has made a non entity like Suhel Seth into an expert of the highest order. However, I forgive him, since he is from Assam and i have found most people from the North East of a very pleasant disposition. So for his region, he survives.

4. Mamta Bannerjee: Why give her yet another opportunity to blame the left. I dont like those guys enough. Besides I am scared that her new found maoist friends may come after me. Momtadi, you may continue to ruin the railways and the social fabric of Bengal with your single point obsession of becoming the CM, I will not punch you.

5. Mayawati: Not for her spineless politics, not for all her statues, but for the fact that if I punch her, it may get constituted as atrocity against backward caste and violence against women (while she may be a disgrace to both)... thence

Sunday, August 1, 2010

of reunions and social networking

Recently, there was one more failed attempt at doing a reunion of my engineering class. Having attempted it earlier, I was very cynical. However, I was still looking forward to it happening and had planned my day accordingly. Alas this one didn't take off. Only 5-6 people were finally turning up. Its a very standard affair with these engineering reunions. The junta in the states will always responds, maybe cos they really miss catching up with classmates or since they have the most genuine excuse. Then it is the regular 4-5 punters who turn up every time. Rest dont bother.

22nd may was the Mumbai leg of Anusmaran, the annual reunion of IIMB. Its been 5 years since we left campus and exactly 5 of the batch of 200 (atleast 50 are in town) turned up to celebrate the occasion. Clearly recession is over... last year we had a lot of networkers turning up! As one good friend of mine, who is a keen networker and quite social, justified to me in the morning, 'Jin se contact rakna hai, ho jata hai. Baki se milne me no enthu'

I quite enjoy reunions. Its a great joy for me to bump into long lost friends at reunions and catch up on their life. Have attended every one of those held of my Engg and MBA college. Just missed a recent school reunion.

Hence, it quite disappoints me when well planned unions fail to get a turn out. Also makes me wonder why and what can be done to turn this around.

Clearly the internet and Social networing have played their part. I had lost touch with all but 2 classmates from school. Now, most are on my friend list and we even have a community of our own. Atleast 10 wished me on my birthday recently. Have caught some movies with a few off late.

So while social networking may have played its part in connecting long lost friends, it may also be contributing to the reduced interest in meeting

However, i feel that the most important factor is the bandwagon effect. (This is one of the rare terms of Kotler that I actually internalised). Most people want to be a part of a fun, successful event. They ask their cool friends. Each one is waiting for someone else they like to say he is going. Chicken n egg, and in the end, no one goes.

Bandwagon is also responsible for the rise and fall of social networking. In 2005, Orkut was cool (in India). By 2007, facebook came in. Today, its twitter. I remember a friend of mine telling me, orkut is so lame, facebook is cool. Of late, people say the same of fb and twitter (which really is nothing much than 1 feature of fb, if u ask me). As someone who has active friends in all 3 places, let me tell u that I still know a lot of very cool people (some of my coolest trek friends) who are very active on orkut and dislike facebook. Similar with twitter. Clearly, it is not interface or functionality. It is pure and simple bandwagon. I will be active where people bother to acknowledge my activity. People who I want to network with have to be there. That's that! Interface is just an excuse.

Today Twitter is the rage, tomorrow it would be lame. Since, I have always been about a year late on these phenomenons, I might begin to appreciate it then. Anyway, the point here is not to say which is better, it is to say that all parameters of cool and lame are just based on which people we know are active where.

So in summary, its not social networking that is killing reunions, but bandwagon effect that is determining the success of both! Now you know, doesn't make an earth shattering difference to your life, carry on doing what you were, before you read this!