Saturday, August 14, 2010

the ones I will not punch

for the uninitiated, please refer to the earlier 2 posts in the topic

Current times are very frustrating. There are so many one wants to punch real hard in the face. However, this being Ramadan, the month of abstinence, patience and most importantly forgiveness, I will speak about the one I really want to, but will not punch in the face hard

1. Our hot favourite, Suresh Kalmadi, the most famous beard on this side of the Suez... not for his recent commonwealth misadventures, no sir, nor for his 14 years of ruining the IOA... but for his wonderful organisation Sai Service, that has serviced my car well for almost 4 years now. Just for that Mr Kalmadi, you are spared a punch.

2. Amar Singh, gaali ka kutta, na ghar ka na ghat ka, from being king maker in UP to a no takers politician suddenly realising his thakur roots, I pity his sad life, and hence will not punch him.

3. Arnab Goswami: Yes yes, he is that screeching lady in the 9 pm news that my father loves watching, much to mine and moms irritation. Yes, he has taken English news to the depths of Hindi news. Yes he has made a non entity like Suhel Seth into an expert of the highest order. However, I forgive him, since he is from Assam and i have found most people from the North East of a very pleasant disposition. So for his region, he survives.

4. Mamta Bannerjee: Why give her yet another opportunity to blame the left. I dont like those guys enough. Besides I am scared that her new found maoist friends may come after me. Momtadi, you may continue to ruin the railways and the social fabric of Bengal with your single point obsession of becoming the CM, I will not punch you.

5. Mayawati: Not for her spineless politics, not for all her statues, but for the fact that if I punch her, it may get constituted as atrocity against backward caste and violence against women (while she may be a disgrace to both)... thence

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