Sunday, September 26, 2010

why i will go for the commonwealth games

Ever since the day I declared my intent to go and watch the Common Wealth Games, a lot of friends have been looking at me strangely and some have frankly told me so. Clearly the event preparations have left a lot to be desired but its more clear to me now that we are a media puppet generation that feeds and reacts to all that is shown without bothering to see the bigger picture or the complete fact (a la peepli). There is no denying that there has been a lot of hanky panky (i am aware of it since 2 years now, when my colleague was trying to sell some paint into a CWG project site) and a lot of people need to be taken to task. However, all that can and will wait... its time now to go and watch the games.
Here is the reasons why I will go and watch the games in Delhi. Please note that Jingoism is consciously not part of any reason. Hopefully, some of these reasons will appeal to you and you will join me at watching the games. The reasons are in ascending order of priority
  1. Infrastructure: A lot has been done to make the city ready for the games. I am really looking forward to viewing the T3, the complete metro line, the CWG lanes etc. Delhi infra is closer to first world now and I really hope mumbai catches up. Until then, I will go and enjoy the Delhi infra.
  2. Celebrating Sport: Not really an original concept, but sport is a brilliant invention. It keeps us humans competitive without hatred, occupied without destruction, happy without making anyone else sad. Sport is a solution to world peace. It needs to be celebrated, and so we will.
  3. This is a once in a life time event. I lot of us (who can afford) go and watch sport across the world. Its ironical that we choose to ignore it when it happens in our own backyard. And quality sport at that. 
  4. Volunteers and organisers: Baring some bad apples, a lot of effort and planning has gone into making this event. Thousands of organisers have toiled away. Many volunteers have contributed with their time and effort into making this a smooth and successful event. I can only imagine the scale and extent of the effort required to make an event of this proportion. As someone who really enjoys event organising, and who has experienced the high one gets, when ones event is a success, I wish to contribute to all these organisers and volunteers getting their high.
  5. Last but not the least , the athletes: These athletes have toiled away for years to be as good in their sport. They are extraordinary humans for their skill. They certainly deserve to be cheered and applauded for their skill. I for one have been a very loud critic of our nations one track obsession with limited over cricket at the expense of murdering all other sports (and domestic cricket and test cricket). Events like these, that encourage so many sportpersons are wonderful opportunities to make amends.

Sunday, September 12, 2010


god made man,
man made religion

religion created conflicts
religion led to wars
religion created atheism
religion made science more determined

religion shapes mans decisions and destiny
religion is the opium of the masses

does man need religion?
man needs religion

Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Zandu Balm Conundrum

Recently a song from the movie Dabaang is making waves. However, many people are confused about a particular line in the song. It goes like this

 'Munni Badnam hui, darling tere liye
Mein Zandu Balm hui, darling tere liye'

A lot of people are asking the question as to what does the 2nd line mean. While it may seem to be an illogical line, added to build rhyme (and probably controversy), I believe that this is one of the finest examples of poetry in recent times. If you don't believe me, here I have tried to give a few interpretations to the question "What does, 'Mein Zandu Balm Hui' mean?" Clearly, these are only a few that my meager intellectual faculties could conjure up. A more evolved analysis could lead to a few more interpretations to this immensely deep concept

Mein Zandu Balm Hui can be interpreted at various levels
  1. At the literal level, the poet (that's mallika arora khan) wants to metamorphize into an ointment for her beau
  2. At the figurative level, the poet wishes cure to cure all pains of her beau like an ointment would
  3. At the socioeconomic level, it again shows the power to the free markets... the harried person seeks a cure for all his pains and has it ready in the light of a dancing hot poet for some cash... demand-supply at work
  4. At the psychological level, this speaks of the poets desire to go to any lengths to impress a special someone, probably reflective of a deprived childhood or parenting issues
  5. At the medicinal level, it eulogizes the amazing healing properties of the Zandu Balm
  6. At the theosophical level, it again brings to fore the power of faith. Faith in Zandu Balm is a cure for all pains, a la faith in the almighty.
So as you can see, this line is very deep poetry which could have many connotations. One should not dismiss it as cheap, footage inducing lyrics alone. Next time you hear the song, give it some more respect and admire the depth of the poets statements. And do remember this analysis of mine!