Tuesday, May 25, 2010

a few new definitions

1. bottleneckomania (n): the uncanny ability of an otherwise not so bright mumbai driver to identify the narrowest part of the road to park his car in, thereby creating a beautiful bottleneck

2. hourglassophelia (n): the irritating habit of some jokers of destroying the beautiful work done above by parking their car bang opposite there by creating an hour glass tube

3. shibu sorened (v): what happens when ones best laid plans of checkmating family and taking a bigger role go so wrong that one has to also sacrifice their current posts

any resemblence to any current politician is genuine and purely intentional

4. gadkari (v): the ability to act humble and bow down much lower than your girth can sustain in order to survive as the president of a fraction ridden party

5. Shijoitis (n): the ability to analyse the most trivial of topics and with a minimum 1000 word summary that can scare off the most patient reader

6. Bawagiri (n): the habit of publicizing every small event in life to make it appear as the days breaking news with the sole intention of grabbing footage
Alternate definition
Bawagiri (n): the irritating habit of nagging all and sundry into joining in on ones very ambitious weekend plans and giving them loads of grief on any response other than yes

1 comment:

  1. Ali, as I've appointed myself as your official proof reader. You misspelt hourglassophelia. It shoud be philia. :) As usual its a delight to read your blog.
